Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blenheim Palace: Churchill's Past

The second half of our excursion on Friday was a trip to Blenheim Palace. This palace is where Sir Winston Churchill was born.

Not only was he born here but he also proposed to his wife there. This palace is rich with history. The whole tour that we went on was really cool. Our tour guide told us about all the different paintings in ever room. He also talked about the tapestries which were amazing and did not seem real at all.

We saw paintings of all of the different dukes who have lived there including the current one. We also saw locks of Churchill's hair, a little bit over the top but still interesting.

The best part of the palace, as in all great palaces is the garden. By the time we were done with the tour it had begun to rain but that didn't stop anyone from going outside into the gardens.

The gardens were so pretty and I loved being outside and seeing the view. There were statues everywhere including a strange one with a woman's head on an animals' body, very odd. There was also a road to a rose garden and a secret garden. I loved the fact that there were sheep everywhere in the distance.

That night we got home and I was exhausted. We had made cookies earlier in the week, which were way too hard to eat but by Friday they were soft and I ate way too many to try and fix my actually worked.

We were entertained by Rebecca and Matt who both played the guitar for us before we went out. We came back and watched Jersey Shore, because even when you are not in America you can watch ridiculous American TV!

Gardens of beauty,
Johnni Z

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