Monday, February 21, 2011

Paris Day 2: Desserts Galore

On Saturday I had another intense day of tourism. Melanie and I headed out for day two in Paris and we covered a lot of ground.

Our first stop was the Eiffel Tower. Although it was raining outside, it was so amazing to see the Eiffel Tower up close. It looked new and it was so beautiful.

Our next stop was the Arc de Triomphe, which was really cool. As soon as you walked out of the metro station it was starring right at you...stunning.

Because it was raining we did not spend a lot of time at any one place, instead we kept moving so we could see everything on my list. The next place we went was Moulin Rouge. I really liked the Moulin Rouge because it was located in an area that was different than all the other places we went, plus the lunch I had was so good.

After lunch we went to the Louvre. Once at the Louvre we split up and I began my journey alone with all the famous works of art. My favorite place was the hall of Italian paintings and the Mona Lisa was pretty cool, which I stumbled upon while looking around.

I took some time to write a couple of postcards and then headed to the Greek wing. I really liked Venus de Milo and the Egyptian statues.

Once I had explored as much as my body could handle I went to dinner and found a fun dessert place. I had a waffle with vanilla ice cream, so good. I also did a little shopping and relaxed since my feet were so tired from all the walking.

I met back up with Natasha and we finally made our way back to her flat for a girl's night. We watched When Harry Met Sally, which I had never seen and then we ate numerous types of treats for dessert.

The next day I took the train back to London and read the entire way there. After a quick shower I went to the original Hard Rock Cafe in London for Maggie Lay's birthday! It was really fun but after that I was so tired that I hung out all night in my room and started doing homework, because apparently it is not all fun and games in London...there is work.

Paris desserts are my favorite,
Johnni Z

1 comment:

  1. ok....finally a guacomole girl.....where have you been? You know how often I make that for parties! Wine in a baby bottle....did you get to keep the bottle? Glad you are back in and sound! Luv Mom
