Monday, February 21, 2011

Guacamole: My Paris Love

On Thursday I went to Paris!!

After taking a train from London to Paris(where I finally really got into my book that Clae got me for Christmas) I was greeted by Natasha who was amazing and let me stay with her in her flat! We decided to have a baguette and cheese for dinner...great way to start the trip. On Thursday night we went to her friends house.

While at their house I was a judge in a guacamole making contest. Keep in mind that one, I am in Paris eating guacamole and two, I have never liked guacamole...ever.

It was an interesting night to say the least and I ended up becoming a lover of guacamole, a feat I never thought possible. It was so good, ah I cannot wait to have more when I go home and have the best Mexican food ever...since California has great Mexican food.

After an intense guacamole contest Natasha and I headed back to her place on the Metro. The Metro is probably my least favorite part of France. I have never really used public transportation until I came to London but after being in Paris I would say London is a lot cleaner...especially the tube stations.

Traveling around Paris I felt a lot like I was in New York. It is very much a city and that is something I found both exciting and scary. I am much more of a London girl but Paris was so much fun!

Love Guac,
Johnni Z

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