Monday, February 14, 2011

St. Paul's Cathedral: Glorious

St. Paul's Cathedral is a gorgeous church.

Last Monday I went to explore St. Paul's Cathedral and all it has to offer. I was not really is amazing. The exterior is remarkable and at the same time a bit haunting.

There is a huge lantern that was swinging on one side of the chapel and with the wind it looked as if it was going to come flying down.

The wind on Monday was probably the worst it has been in London so far. It was so hard to go anywhere and fight the wind to make any sort of movements.

The church however was beautiful no matter what type of weather. I went inside where you are not allowed to take pictures and took a little peak. The interior is so spectacular I cannot even begin to describe it. All I know is that I have to attend mass there before I leave London. It is very high on my to-do list!

After looking inside I went down to look at the cafe that is joined with the church. When I went down the left side of the cathedral I also found the gift shop. I bought a lot of gifts and really had a great time in the shop.

Overall it is my favorite church so far that I have seen in London and I really want to take the tour and see the crypts in order to get the whole effect of the cathedral.

St. Paul's Fan,
Johnni Z

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