Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Journey Up a Volcano

On Sunday, my last full day in Edinburgh Jill and I decided to go on a hike. This was not just any old hike...this was a hike to the top of an extinct volcano.

After an already exhausting weekend my body was already shutting down on me but this had to be done. Our hike began slowly but it got harder and harder as we went along.

Once we were close to the top it started to rain, which was not ideal but it felt good seeing as I was so hot from walking so much. After we made it we took a well deserved break and looked at the amazing view. I am very proud of the two of us and I feel accomplished.

Although it was really hard, it was an adventure to remember. At the bottom of the mountain Jill fell, but it was okay because she saw a lake full of swans (haha).

On Monday, I went to a short church service, went shopping and then headed to the bus station. The only downside to the trip back to London was that I was really sick...possibly the flu or a sinus infection(to be determined).

Due to my illness, the plane ride was not fun at all since I am almost positive that I have an ear infection. Therefore my ear started to hurt really bad and it would not pop after I landed. After a good night sleep I felt a little better although I still cannot hear correctly so I am going to the doctors tomorrow.

A wee bit attached to Scotland,
Johnni Z

1 comment:

  1. Scotland looks so beautiful...I remember the shops are great too. So glad to see you enjoying all the unique culture around you. We miss you lots....dad is really looking forward to his trip to see you...he has a book on just Pubs that you two will frequent I am sure. Live it up!! Take care...love you so much! Mom
