Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stop...It's Ceilidh Time!

This weekend was so much fun...my first trip out of London was to Edinburgh, which is in Scotland!

On Thursday after class I headed to Edinburgh to see Jill Gorelick and stay with her for the weekend. The trip to Liverpool St. Station was effortless but after that it wasn't the greatest travel experience that I have had. For starters I booked a coach to the airport, not the train and it took me almost the entire hour that I had aloted myself to find where the coaches were supposed to pick me up.

Once on the coach I was fine, we got to Stansted airport at the time we were supposed to but I was exhausted having searched for the coach in the rain. I made it through security quickly and had time to eat. I had this really good pizza...but of coarse my stomach was not a big fan.

When boarding the plane I went on the tarmac to get on the plane..very cool. Apparentlly on Easyjet flights there are no assigned seats so I wandered the plane a little bit and then figured out I could sit wherever I wanted (aka: window seat).

After I arrived it was a piece of cake. The town was so cute and Jill met me at the bus stop. We went to dinner and watched Vampire Diaries...perfect start to the trip.

On Friday I did a little exploring by myself while Jill ran a couple of errands. I found St. Giles Cathedral and fell in love. It was a beautiful church...where I took a ton of pictures and lit a candle after saying my prayer.

Friday night was the best night by far. At this point Melanie Blair had arrived in Edinburgh and we had all gone out to lunch together and caught up with each others' stories.

We were ready...or so we thought, to take on the traditional Scottish dance, the Ceilidh! This dancing style is a mix between folk dancing, intense rountines and line dancing to the extreme. It was amazing!!

For most of the dances we rotated being each others' partners...Jill and I started, which was interesting. My favorite dance was probably the one where Mel and I jumped in and out a lot (it was super fun). I also really liked the end where we managed to make it all the way down the long line turning with almost every person possible.

It was one of the funnest things I have ever done plus I got to see men wearing kilts and get a workout all at the same time....perfect!!

Dance Until You Die,
Johnni Z

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