Sunday, February 27, 2011

Johnni in Wonderland

This past week has been all about finding hidden places and exploring famous spaces.

The sun came out on Thursday and because it is so rare for the sun to really shine Rebecca and I wanted to have a picnic outside and soak up the sun. I had discovered what I thought was a park on my walk back from class so we decided to check it out.

What we found was so cute, a little park hidden down the alley behind the street we walk everyday to and from classes. It extends to the street right by our flat as well, so we will be going back a lot, especially on nice days!

On Friday I went to Oxford, home of Alice in Wonderland and all the small doors and secret passage ways. We woke up really early on Friday and took a bus to Oxford where we were led around on a tour of the beautiful campus.

There really are small doors like in Alice In Wonderland, which was really fun to see. The college we spent the most time exploring was Christ's Church.

Christ's Church is home to the dinning hall that was used in Harry Potter when they do the hat sorting scene(so cool). Despite the fact that I am not by any means a Harry Potter expert it was really exciting to see the place where so many parts of the movies were filmed.

On our entire tour I felt like I was in the movie, walking down the halls it felt surreal. After we toured the campus we were free to do what we wanted for lunch. Rebecca and I went to the Crown pub on an adorable little street. Along the way we saw street performers and all kinds of people.

Oxford is a gorgeous university and you feel smart walking through their many campuses. I really enjoyed it and felt very British despite the fact that we were clearly tourists.

Painting the roses red,
Johnni Z

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