Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hyde Park-Walk

Today is day the second day of February and I cannot believe I have already been in London for a month. It has gone by so fast! Now that I am settled in and have more of a handle on everything I have created a goal to be more active.

This month is "Fitness February"(yes, I came up with that) and so far I am doing great! Yesterday I went and cycled at the I am super sore...but I feel very accomplished. Keeping up with the theme of Fitness Feb, I went to Hyde Park today!

After my print project meeting, I jumped on a bus with Cassie and Shannon and headed towards the park. It was a pretty cool day and was already beginning to look dark outside when we arrived. Once we walked into the park I took a minute to take it all in.

It is such a beautiful place and I can only imagine how pretty it is when the flowers are in bloom (I will for sure come back in the Spring). My favorite part was the lion verse unicorn gate that was on the right when you entered the park.

After getting a cup of tea we walked throughout the park. I loved it! We had a pretty good walk past a lake and really interesting statues. I really enjoyed seeing the Princess Diana fountain that looks more like a river than a fountain.

It was a really fun walk and very scenic, I really enjoyed myself and got a little bit of a recovery workout!

Fitness February Fun,
Johnni Z

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