Monday, February 21, 2011

Paris Day 1: Gargoyles and Baby Bottles

On Friday I began my two part adventure of being the ultimate tourist in Paris. I woke up pretty early to begin my first day as an American in Paris.

Our first stop was Versailles, which was amazing so much gold I did not even know where to look. Melanie, Natasha and I all went to Versailles and explored the entire palace. My favorite room would be the Hall of Mirrors because it was gorgeous and I really have a fascination with mirrors.

I also really liked the King's room, which was cardinal and gold and the Queen's room, which was very elegant.

During the entire tour all I kept thinking was why was it necessary to have a place this big? There really is no reason except for the fact that you can, so therefore you do.

Outside was the series of gardens that took my breath away. Even in the winter they were absolutely beautiful. I loved the view from the gardens of the palace as well.

Our second stop was Notre Dame, probably my favorite place in all of Paris. This church is stunning and so large it is hard to even describe. Melanie and I went to the top of Notre Dame where we had the most spectacular view of the city and were able to see all the gargoyles up cool!

I had a caramel crepe as a reward for making it to the top of the church and then we headed off to meet up with Natasha at the Sacre Couer, which is where we saw part of mass in French and another great view of the city at night.

For dinner we went to this really fun fondue place, which was exciting since I have never actually had least as a meal. We were also given wine in baby bottles, odd yes but a really fun place and atmosphere!

Gargoyles are friends,
Johnni Z

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