Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blenheim Palace: Churchill's Past

The second half of our excursion on Friday was a trip to Blenheim Palace. This palace is where Sir Winston Churchill was born.

Not only was he born here but he also proposed to his wife there. This palace is rich with history. The whole tour that we went on was really cool. Our tour guide told us about all the different paintings in ever room. He also talked about the tapestries which were amazing and did not seem real at all.

We saw paintings of all of the different dukes who have lived there including the current one. We also saw locks of Churchill's hair, a little bit over the top but still interesting.

The best part of the palace, as in all great palaces is the garden. By the time we were done with the tour it had begun to rain but that didn't stop anyone from going outside into the gardens.

The gardens were so pretty and I loved being outside and seeing the view. There were statues everywhere including a strange one with a woman's head on an animals' body, very odd. There was also a road to a rose garden and a secret garden. I loved the fact that there were sheep everywhere in the distance.

That night we got home and I was exhausted. We had made cookies earlier in the week, which were way too hard to eat but by Friday they were soft and I ate way too many to try and fix my actually worked.

We were entertained by Rebecca and Matt who both played the guitar for us before we went out. We came back and watched Jersey Shore, because even when you are not in America you can watch ridiculous American TV!

Gardens of beauty,
Johnni Z

Johnni in Wonderland

This past week has been all about finding hidden places and exploring famous spaces.

The sun came out on Thursday and because it is so rare for the sun to really shine Rebecca and I wanted to have a picnic outside and soak up the sun. I had discovered what I thought was a park on my walk back from class so we decided to check it out.

What we found was so cute, a little park hidden down the alley behind the street we walk everyday to and from classes. It extends to the street right by our flat as well, so we will be going back a lot, especially on nice days!

On Friday I went to Oxford, home of Alice in Wonderland and all the small doors and secret passage ways. We woke up really early on Friday and took a bus to Oxford where we were led around on a tour of the beautiful campus.

There really are small doors like in Alice In Wonderland, which was really fun to see. The college we spent the most time exploring was Christ's Church.

Christ's Church is home to the dinning hall that was used in Harry Potter when they do the hat sorting scene(so cool). Despite the fact that I am not by any means a Harry Potter expert it was really exciting to see the place where so many parts of the movies were filmed.

On our entire tour I felt like I was in the movie, walking down the halls it felt surreal. After we toured the campus we were free to do what we wanted for lunch. Rebecca and I went to the Crown pub on an adorable little street. Along the way we saw street performers and all kinds of people.

Oxford is a gorgeous university and you feel smart walking through their many campuses. I really enjoyed it and felt very British despite the fact that we were clearly tourists.

Painting the roses red,
Johnni Z

Monday, February 21, 2011

Paris Day 2: Desserts Galore

On Saturday I had another intense day of tourism. Melanie and I headed out for day two in Paris and we covered a lot of ground.

Our first stop was the Eiffel Tower. Although it was raining outside, it was so amazing to see the Eiffel Tower up close. It looked new and it was so beautiful.

Our next stop was the Arc de Triomphe, which was really cool. As soon as you walked out of the metro station it was starring right at you...stunning.

Because it was raining we did not spend a lot of time at any one place, instead we kept moving so we could see everything on my list. The next place we went was Moulin Rouge. I really liked the Moulin Rouge because it was located in an area that was different than all the other places we went, plus the lunch I had was so good.

After lunch we went to the Louvre. Once at the Louvre we split up and I began my journey alone with all the famous works of art. My favorite place was the hall of Italian paintings and the Mona Lisa was pretty cool, which I stumbled upon while looking around.

I took some time to write a couple of postcards and then headed to the Greek wing. I really liked Venus de Milo and the Egyptian statues.

Once I had explored as much as my body could handle I went to dinner and found a fun dessert place. I had a waffle with vanilla ice cream, so good. I also did a little shopping and relaxed since my feet were so tired from all the walking.

I met back up with Natasha and we finally made our way back to her flat for a girl's night. We watched When Harry Met Sally, which I had never seen and then we ate numerous types of treats for dessert.

The next day I took the train back to London and read the entire way there. After a quick shower I went to the original Hard Rock Cafe in London for Maggie Lay's birthday! It was really fun but after that I was so tired that I hung out all night in my room and started doing homework, because apparently it is not all fun and games in London...there is work.

Paris desserts are my favorite,
Johnni Z

Paris Day 1: Gargoyles and Baby Bottles

On Friday I began my two part adventure of being the ultimate tourist in Paris. I woke up pretty early to begin my first day as an American in Paris.

Our first stop was Versailles, which was amazing so much gold I did not even know where to look. Melanie, Natasha and I all went to Versailles and explored the entire palace. My favorite room would be the Hall of Mirrors because it was gorgeous and I really have a fascination with mirrors.

I also really liked the King's room, which was cardinal and gold and the Queen's room, which was very elegant.

During the entire tour all I kept thinking was why was it necessary to have a place this big? There really is no reason except for the fact that you can, so therefore you do.

Outside was the series of gardens that took my breath away. Even in the winter they were absolutely beautiful. I loved the view from the gardens of the palace as well.

Our second stop was Notre Dame, probably my favorite place in all of Paris. This church is stunning and so large it is hard to even describe. Melanie and I went to the top of Notre Dame where we had the most spectacular view of the city and were able to see all the gargoyles up cool!

I had a caramel crepe as a reward for making it to the top of the church and then we headed off to meet up with Natasha at the Sacre Couer, which is where we saw part of mass in French and another great view of the city at night.

For dinner we went to this really fun fondue place, which was exciting since I have never actually had least as a meal. We were also given wine in baby bottles, odd yes but a really fun place and atmosphere!

Gargoyles are friends,
Johnni Z

Guacamole: My Paris Love

On Thursday I went to Paris!!

After taking a train from London to Paris(where I finally really got into my book that Clae got me for Christmas) I was greeted by Natasha who was amazing and let me stay with her in her flat! We decided to have a baguette and cheese for dinner...great way to start the trip. On Thursday night we went to her friends house.

While at their house I was a judge in a guacamole making contest. Keep in mind that one, I am in Paris eating guacamole and two, I have never liked guacamole...ever.

It was an interesting night to say the least and I ended up becoming a lover of guacamole, a feat I never thought possible. It was so good, ah I cannot wait to have more when I go home and have the best Mexican food ever...since California has great Mexican food.

After an intense guacamole contest Natasha and I headed back to her place on the Metro. The Metro is probably my least favorite part of France. I have never really used public transportation until I came to London but after being in Paris I would say London is a lot cleaner...especially the tube stations.

Traveling around Paris I felt a lot like I was in New York. It is very much a city and that is something I found both exciting and scary. I am much more of a London girl but Paris was so much fun!

Love Guac,
Johnni Z

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Journey Up a Volcano

On Sunday, my last full day in Edinburgh Jill and I decided to go on a hike. This was not just any old hike...this was a hike to the top of an extinct volcano.

After an already exhausting weekend my body was already shutting down on me but this had to be done. Our hike began slowly but it got harder and harder as we went along.

Once we were close to the top it started to rain, which was not ideal but it felt good seeing as I was so hot from walking so much. After we made it we took a well deserved break and looked at the amazing view. I am very proud of the two of us and I feel accomplished.

Although it was really hard, it was an adventure to remember. At the bottom of the mountain Jill fell, but it was okay because she saw a lake full of swans (haha).

On Monday, I went to a short church service, went shopping and then headed to the bus station. The only downside to the trip back to London was that I was really sick...possibly the flu or a sinus infection(to be determined).

Due to my illness, the plane ride was not fun at all since I am almost positive that I have an ear infection. Therefore my ear started to hurt really bad and it would not pop after I landed. After a good night sleep I felt a little better although I still cannot hear correctly so I am going to the doctors tomorrow.

A wee bit attached to Scotland,
Johnni Z

Just a Castle on the Beach

On Saturday despite being really sore from dancing all night Jill, Mel and I woke up early to get on a bus and drive for two hours back across the border and go to Northern England.

We started our day by visiting Bamburgh Castle, which was absolutely gorgeous. This huge castle was located on the beach...granted it's a beach in England but it would not be a place I would say to no to living in.

We went on a tour of the castle and all the rooms and I was amazed by how pretty it was. This castle is actually owned by someone and they live strange. The views were awesome and I liked every part of it except the dungeon, which was too graphic for my liking.

After the tour we went and explored on our own and found our way down to the ocean. I have never worn boots on the beach, so that was a first but the ocean was still the same, peaceful and perfect.

It definitely made me miss being home but the cold made me remember that I was still in England even if there was sand and the ocean breeze.

We got back on the bus just as the sun came out to drive another hour or so to the border of England and Scotland. This is where we toured the Melrose Abbey.

Melrose Abbey was so historic and massive and beautiful. It is the ruins of a church that once stood there. The walls are still up throughout the abbey and plaques describe what once stood there.

The coolest part of this tour was going up the scary staircase in order to reach the top of the tower. The view was spectacular and worth climbing all the stairs in the narrow staircase. Despite its beauty it was freezing so after I saw everything I headed back to the bus.

That night we went out to eat and then just relaxed the rest of the time and hung out and finally let our bodies rest.

Beach Bum,
Johnni Z