Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Foggy London Town

The stereotype of "foggy London town" is true and I can attest to that. This blog will be my guide to London and everything that I encounter while I am abroad starting with the first day I arrived. I have never been out of the country so this should be interesting. So, if you want, follow me on this journey through Europe and the Spring semester! Alright, so here it goes:

To start off the new year, I arrived in London on January 1. After a very long flight, which went really well, I showed up at the Lay's doorstep. On the 2nd of January I was reunited with Maddie Lay and her amazing family. I had my first British meal at a local pub and had a cup of tea afterwards.

On the 3rd, I walked the Thames River with Maddie, which was amazing. I moved into my flat the same day and have two amazing roommates, Taylor and Rebecca! We had Italian for dinner... I know not local food at all but it was pretty good.

It has not rained yet...thankfully, but it did start to snow, which was an experience, since I have never seen snow fall....ever! The weather has been mostly sunny(in British land that means gray or white sky's).

I know this first post is kind of boring, but it will get better. The exploring begins tonight so a new post will be coming in a couple of days. Talk to you soon!

From Across the Pond,
Johnni Z


  1. Johnni,

    So glad to hear from you!! Sounds like you are off on your 'great adventure' with the 'perfect beginning' SNOW!!!

    Lucky you!

    Don't forget to send pictures sweetie. I can't wait to follow along on your blog.

    Have to run... I am working with your mum.. this morning.

    Cheerio and tah.. tah...


  2. j-girl,
    so glad to follow along....walking the Thames...so beautiful....can't wait to read about your adventures....luv you so much! mom
