Saturday, April 30, 2011

Warming Up: London Style

Last week the weather in London began to warm up and it has been pretty nice being able to wear something besides long sleeved shirts.

To celebrate the sun and all its glory I decided to take advantage of the great weather and I went on a hunt for cupcakes. Cupcakes, were my final project topic therefore I was killing two birds with one stone.

I got to explore Primrose Hill area while looking for Primrose bakery! It was so pretty and such a fun area...surrounded by tons of green parks and cute shops.

After a long journey to find Buttercup Cake Shop-the best cupcake place in London- I stopped by Hyde Perk to pay tribute to Friends-the best show ever- and have lunch! The food was really good and it was such an adorable cafe.

Later that week Taylor and I went to the Breakfast Club, a really tasty restaurant hidden away behind antique shops. After lunch we tested out Frae, one of the few frozen yogurt places in London...very good.

London Foodie,
Johnni Z

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