Monday, April 11, 2011

A Day In The Life: Liverpool

The day after my birthday my dad and I took a train bright and early to see where the Fab Four got their start...Liverpool.

As soon as we got there, we checked into our hotel, "A Hard Day's Night," and saw that our room was George's favorite Beatle. After that we met up with our personal tour guide, Jackie and started our "A Day in the Life" tour of Liverpool.

It was such an amazing experience, I loved ever second of it. We started out by seeing where Paul, George and John went to school and a pub that John used to hangout in when he was in art school.

We saw all of the different homes of all of the Beatles and even got to go into the house where Ringo once lived.

We went to the Casbah Club and got personal tour from Rory Best, Pete Best's(drummer-part of the band that would eventually stem off and become the Beatles) brother. The club was so cool and still exactly the way it was when the Beatles played of the best parts of the tour by far.

I got to see where Paul celebrated his 21st birthday and where he was born. We also saw where John was born.

We went to Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields! Not to mention we saw where Paul, John, Ringo and George all played together for the first time ever.

The next day we went to the Beatles Story near the port of Liverpool and got to see the whole journey of the Beatles. We also went into the Maritime museum and saw all the ship history. We learned about the Liver bird and Liverpool Futbol Club.

We explored Matthew Street, where the Cavern club is located and saw a statue of Eleanor Rigby that is dedicated to all the lonely people. To top it off we had an amazing Italian dinner and a great trip to Liverpool.

Beatles Fanatic,
Johnni Z

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