Monday, April 11, 2011

The Big 2-1 !!!

April 3, 2011: Best Day Ever.....My Birthday!!!

On my 21st Birthday I was lucky enough to spend the entire day in London with my dad! We started the day off right by going to church.

At church we were given two signs that the day was going to be great.
1. The priest was wearing pink(my favorite color)
2. The priest said that on this day and this day only everyone who was in mass could break their Lenten promise.(I gave up bread and I got to eat both of these guilt free)
After church we had breakfast and then got ready for our day. We went to Camden Circus and shopped around all day. We found a really cool hippie street and a lot of retro clothing stores. I even got a British flag bag which looks like it is from the 70s.

When we got back to the hotel there was a box of cupcakes waiting in our room and a "Happy Birthday" plaque made out of good.

For dinner we went to the Hard Rock Cafe and celebrated my birthday right. We started out with Kamikaze shots before my roommates arrived and joined us for another shot.

The food was really good and I could eat bread which was great in itself. I also tried a couple more drinks..since it was my 21st Birthday! I had a Mojito and another mystery shot with everyone before we had dessert.

The cupcakes were really good and I got an ice cream sundae. I had to stand on my chair and the whole restaurant sang to me but it was worth it. After dinner I went and redeemed all the commemorative shot glasses that we earned...eight to be exact and then had a Baileys with my dad before going to bed.

Overall it was a great day and it ended with a pink sunset...perfect.

Birthday Girl,
Johnni Z

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