Saturday, April 30, 2011

Home of the Musicals

I have been so blessed to have seen two amazing shows over the past two weeks! I saw the Lion King and Les Miserables and they were both so good.

After dressing up and getting really excited to see Lion King, Taylor and I found out that it was all sold out. In order for this to not happen again, we bought tickets for the next week and got very excited waiting for the day to come.

Lion King had some of the most spectacular costumes I have ever seen. The music was really upbeat and easy to enjoy no matter how old you are.

I especially loved the British Simba and Nahla, the young versions because the kids were so cute and the accents made the Lion King better than I could have imagined.

The next week, Kirsley was visiting us and we decided to see another musical seeing as London is the birthplace of Broadway.

Rebecca, Kirsley and I went and saw Les Miserables, one of the most iconic and famous musicals of all time.

After all the hype I was a little nervous that I would either not understand the storyline or it would not be as good as all the musicals I had seen before. Lucky for me it was so good, the story was fantastic and it did not disappoint.

The performers' voices were insane, everything was sung, nothing was spoken and it really raised the bar on musicals for me. I absolutely loved it and I am so glad that I got to see it before I left London.

Singing in the Rain,
Johnni Z

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