Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

After a very hectic and fun St. Patrick's Day in Dublin, it was really nice to be back in London and just relax.

However, I did not get to sleep in on Saturday because I had to see too many people! On Saturday morning I woke up early-ish and started my journey down to Barnes.

I met up with Maddie, Meghan, Melanie and Miranda(who was visiting from Paris) for brunch at the Lay house. It was really nice to be able to see all the girls before they headed back to USC to finish the semester. I loved seeing Miranda because I missed her when I went to Paris.

A little later, Jen stopped by who I had not seen since the first week I was here and I love her so that was a nice surprise.

Around 3 p.m. I jumped back on the tube to meet Jeff Palmer and Lindsay Palmer at a pub near Liverpool St. station. The pub of coarse was right in front of me yet I walked around for 20 minutes trying to find it...not fun.

I was so excited to see them and feel like a piece of home was with me in London. After the pub we decided to go to the London Eye. The line was way too long so we had a change of plans and went to Green Park...Jeff's favorite stop for some reason and went to the bar right across the street.

The rest of the night we just caught up and hung out...perfect day in London. On Sunday I went on a jog...I even impressed myself with that one and then did absolutely nothing the rest of the day.

This week is my last week of classes, which is super exciting and Today's classes got cancelled because of a teacher's strike...nice! One more week of too many papers and then my Dad comes...March is getting better and better, can't wait!

Sunny Days Ahead,
Johnni Z

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