Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bikes and Beer: Amsterdam

On Saturday we woke up in the early afternoon and decided  to go to the wharf. The only way to get to the wharf is by ferry, and we all know how much I like ferries. Dori even used the phrase, "it's like Balboa" to describe how we were getting there and I was sold.

The only difference is in Amsterdam the ferry takes you to a wharf that has a giant flea market and it is freezing on the water. The market was really cool and I found an awesome book there for a great price. We tried these mini pancakes while we were there and had frites(one of my way too many servings of fries throughout the weekend...hence why it is part of my Lenten promise to give them up).

After the wharf, the three of us set out to find the Heineken brewery and take part in the Heineken Experience. We took a ton of pictures and got to see how beer is made, we were even in a 4D, "brew you" ride that took us throughout the process. There were even horses, not Budweiser horses like you are thinking, but Heineken horses.

At the end of the tour we were given tokens to try the beer and supposedly convert us into becoming huge Heineken fans...Dori, working her charm managed to get us extra tokens and the three of us had a great time! Even with the tokens I am still a Coors Light fan...just like my dad, I am daddy's little girl after all.

That night Dori made me pasta and I dinked for the first time (dinking is when you ride on the back of someone's bike...terrifying). After this great dinner, Drew(who is amazing) dinked me to "5 Days Off" a music festival thing that we were all going to that night.

Because I was staying with Skye that night I ended up staying at the show until 5 a.m., which I am very proud of and so was everyone else haha. Skye and I had a fun night catching up and dancing!

On Saturday we met back up with Dori and went to a dance show called, "gravity" that was super cool and had a lot of very interesting dances within the program. After that we were all exhausted so we went to a really tasty Italian place for dinner and called it an early night.

I went back to Dori's place and got to meet her roommate, who had been gone all weekend and we all hung out and ordered dessert and had a fun girls night in on my last night!

It was an amazing trip and I loved every second of it. The moment I woke 6 am to head back to London I began to miss Dori and Skye and the beautiful city of Amsterdam. So far it is my second favorite place in Europe...London being my number one.

Missing my best friends,
Johnni Z

1 comment:

  1. Loved this one....I knew you would love Amsterdam....Dori and Skye looked happy as well. So glad you girls were able to spend a nice long weekend together.
    Missing you about 75-80 degrees the last few days!! Love mom
