Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Card Games and Cami

This week has been a lot of fun because I have been lucky enough to see some of my best friends from home!!!

On Thursday Cami arrived in Londontown and stayed for two days. Rebecca and I took the tube all the way to Heathrow to pick her up! It was so weird actually seeing Cami in London, it was like we had never been apart yet I had not seen her in two months.

Cami had flown with Andrea, another one of my great sorority sisters, so I got to see her too! The tube ride back was long but fun because we got to catch up and gossip(which is what girls do way more than we should-something I remembered this week).

Once we were back at our flat, we took Cami to Dollar to buy her first legal drink at the Martini bar and have dinner. We had a ridiculous waiter who could not really speak English very well and did not understand the concept of pomegranate.

After dinner we all went out to O'Neills in Piccadilly to listen to the live music, which is really good. By the time we got there anyone from USC who was visiting friends in London was in the bar. The band was really good and we danced a lot. Cami even had her first "snakebite" at the bar.

On Friday we decided to be tourists in order to show Cami as much of London as we could in one day. We hit Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace after Borough Market.

Borough Market was really fun because I haven't been there before and it was something different. There are a lot of markets in London, but this market was huge and had everything you could ever want. Even with it being Friday, which meant no meat and lent...where I gave up bread and candy, I was able to find a very tasty gnocchi that was freshly made at the market to have for lunch.

Cami bought a delicious raspberry meringue at one of the sweet stands that I ate way too much of and was very intrigued with. We road the Double-Decker bus and made her sit in the front in order to get the full experience on the way home.

That night we relaxed at home and ordered Mexican food to be delivered...interesting choice. The Mexican food was not very good and oddly spicy, the kind of spicy that you would not expect... it is probably safe to say we will not be doing that again anytime soon. We stayed up late, making Cami try a couple of Strongbows while playing games with our new deck of cards that have London sites on them.

The next day Cami met up with her friend Sam and they headed off to Paris while I headed to Barnes to give the Lay family a  really great surprise!

Visitors Welcome,
Johnni Z

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