Sunday, March 20, 2011

Galway Getaway

On Wednesday I stayed up until 3 a.m. in order to catch a bus to the train station and then get on another bus to the airport, all before a 6:30 a.m. flight to Dublin.

Wednesday was the longest day ever seeing as I did not get any sleep the night before. The flight to Dublin was pretty easy although Ryanair is not the best airline I have ever been on...they sell smoke-less cigarettes on the flight...enough said.

Once we all arrived in Dublin, Rebecca, Taylor, Matt and I all headed to another bus that took us to Galway, which was a four hour drive. We spent all of Wednesday in Galway exploring and basking in the sunshine.
Galway was really pretty, there was green everywhere and a lot of water. The Galway Bay was my favorite part of the city, with gorgeous waters and cute homes all along the bay.

We saw all of the Latin quarter, which was a ton of shops that we all pretty unique. We also saw the Spanish arch that was built in 1584...a very long time ago. This was located next to a museum that was anything but impressive.

After exploring the city we went to a church that was very pretty and appeared to be built a long time ago. It was actually built in the 60s, but it was very beautiful and something cool to see.

Once we were ready to leave we went to catch our bus back to Dublin and our hotel. Once we got on the bus all of us had to use the restroom, which posed a problem since there was no restroom on the bus and it was a four hour drive until we got back to the airport. We decided to get off at the next stop and wait for the next bus, which was supposed to come within the hour.

The bus did not come in the next hour and we thought we were going to be stranded in the middle of Galway with no way back to Dublin. Lucky for us two hours or so later another bus finally stopped and had just enough room for all of us to hop on.

We eventually made it back to Dublin and took a taxi to our hotel where we spent the rest of the night relaxing from our long and semi-stressful journey.

Stranded in Galway,
Johnni Z

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