Tuesday, March 15, 2011

ADPi Girls Invade London

On Saturday, after Cami left, I made my way down to Barnes to stay with the Lay family for the weekend. This time however, we had a surprise for them...Maddie was coming home!!!

Maddie, Meghan, Peggy and Melanie all flew from USC to Barnes to surprise the Lay family and stay for spring break. It was so exciting to see them even though I knew they were coming I still did not believe it until I saw them in person.

That night we celebrated one of the Lay's friends' birthday at the Lay house with the Chitticks. It was a really fun night with a lot of catching up. Maggie and I even made the chocolate frosting to put on the cake that Mrs. Lay had made earlier.

After dessert we all watched "Take Me Out," the best British dating show on TV. The girls then left to stay at the Chittick's house while I stayed and watched three episodes of Friends with Maggie before going to bed.

On Sunday we all had breakfast at the Chittick's house and then went to Westfields to shop and get some lunch. We then had to get a SNOG because you can't go to the mall and not visit Top Shop and then get a frozen yogurt especially when you are with Maddie and Meghan who are both obsessed with fro yo.

Sunday night we went to dinner at the Red Lion, my favorite pub in all of England, because it was my first British meal when I got here. Dinner ended with Sheridan, Maggie and I making up new names for each other and agreeing that we needed to watch CSI before calling it a night.

Monday we woke up fairly early and went to Abbey Road, which Meghan and I had been counting down to since December! We met up with my roommates and proceeded to take way too many pictures and annoy a lot of people in the process. We had multiple combinations and three or four different cameras...you do the math.

It was really cool to actually walk where the Beatles had once walked and see where they recorded the majority of there famous songs. It was also a sunny and warm day in London so it was absolutely perfect...plus as Melanie said my feet touched Paul's feet...because I went barefoot(obviously) to be just like Paul, since he is my favorite.

We ended our day with Buckingham Palace...yet again. This time we entered through the park which was really pretty and we took the scenic bus back to Exmouth Market. We all got lunch at the market then walked to my flat to eat and talk some more.

Before the girls left we managed to take door block pictures and get some interesting looks from the workers in my area. It was a very successful weekend if I do say so myself!

Barefoot Beatles,
Johnni Z

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