Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Pope and I Go to Venice

On Saturday morning at 2:30am I left my flat and began the journey to the airport. I had just finished one of my final exams at 9am that Friday morning and had not slept since, so I was a little tired.
I took two buses to the airport and then waited for my flight to Venice where I was going to meet up with my roommates Rebecca and Taylor!!

Once I landed in Venice I took a bus to the bridge that you must cross to get on the Island, since there are no cars you have to walk the rest of the way…but the island is so small we walked everywhere.

We were staying in the Museum hostel, which was located right on the grand canal…so pretty.

The entire city was gorgeous and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw the first canal-so picturesque.

The first day we were all there together we did everything you can do in the city. We began by walking to Saint Marc’s square and going inside the basilica, which was so ornate and quite spectacular.

Then we went up the bell tower and got the most amazing view of Venice. I could see everything, the water, boats, churches and houses. It was a breathtaking view that I could have starred at all day.

We ate lunch and decided to take a gondola ride to really get the full Venice experience. Our gondolier was great he told us all about the city’s history and all the great buildings and canals. The entire place was perfect.

To top off a great day and make my trip we saw the Pope!! The Pope was visiting Venice and we saw him arrive on boat, talk to the crowd in Saint Marc’s square and bless us all. He then rode in a motorized carriage up and down the crowd and we saw him up close…it was one of the most amazing and best experiences of my life.

The next day we got up and had a really nice breakfast, a little more gelato, and went shopping. We then went to the train station and got on a train to Milan, although I could have stayed in Venice forever!

Pope Takes Over Venice,
Johnni Z

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