Sunday, May 15, 2011

Milano and the Duomo

We arrived in Milan in the late evening and checked into our hostel, called Hostel California…nothing like California that’s for sure.

While we were checking in we met some guy from America and went out for drinks with him and his friend. By the time we got back we were all so tired from travelling that we went right to sleep.

The next day was our main day to do everything in Milan…and we did just that. We began by going to a random shopping area and seeing all of the high-end stores.

Then we stumbled upon the Duomo and after lunch we attempted to go inside. After getting attacked by all of the men who wanted us to hold pigeons in the square we were rejected from the Duomo because my skirt was too short and Rebecca’s shorts were too short.

We decided to go to a giant park that was located next to a fortress of some sort. The park which was really pretty had an arc that resembled the arc de Triomphe.

Next we headed back to our hostel in order to change and become more acceptable to the church. We went back to the Duomo and went in-it was definitely worth the change of clothes.

The top of the Duomo, which we got to by walking up a ton of steps, was spectacular. The view was so pretty and gave an amazing and different perspective of the city, which at first was nothing too special. After seeing it from above it lived up to my "Italian cities are beautiful" mentality.

That night we went on a successful hunt to find this really tasty buffet for only seven Euros. We all got a pimms drink, which was huge and a ton of pasta and bread-so good.

The next morning we tried to go and see the Last Supper painting but the tours were all sold out so we grabbed our bags and went to the bus stop and to the airport.
We flew into London for the last time-the last time altogether and the last time we would be staying in London-it was so sad.
Milan was an interesting adventure but it felt good coming home to London….and the next day my mom came so London just got better!
Goodbye Italy,
Johnni Z

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