Sunday, May 15, 2011

Finding the Olympic Stadium: A Game In Itself

Last week I continued my plan to see as much as possible before leaving London. I have seen a lot in London so there was not very much left to see, luckily because I did not have very much time left.
On Tuesday night we all went out one last time to O’Neil’s, one of the pubs that I really like. There was a cover band, the same one that had been there the last time we all went…which I was a big fan of.

The next day we all woke up pretty early and headed out on what was supposed to be a simple trip to see where the Olympic Games will be taking place next summer….supposed to be simple.

After getting off at the tube-the tube ride was in fact simple-we walked in a random direction hoping to find signs of some sort to help us find it. Of course there were no signs and we all began to wander aimlessly.
Finally we asked someone who gave us vague directions towards the stadium and we attempted to find it. The walk was much longer than expected and we were all exhausted.

We did in fact find the 2012 Summer Olympic Stadium and I am very pleased to say that we made it! It was really cool and made me want to come back next summer to see the games especially since I know exactly how to get there!
Olympic Game Hunt,
Johnni Z

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