Sunday, May 15, 2011

The End

I cannot believe that the end has come- the end of my study abroad program in London that is.

In order to finish strong, my mom came to London and we spent three days together seeing everying about London that I love.
We went to Exmouth Market and had lunch. We walked the Thames River on the way to see Big Ben(my favorite part of London) and Westminster Abbey.
It was really interesting to actually see the inside of Westminster Abbey. I have seen the exterior many times but this was the first time I got to see the inside, so amazing.

After seeing the sights, we went shopping in Oxford Circus and Bond Street-so many stores.

That night we met up with my roommates for a goodbye dinner at El Pacifico. It was so sad being together for the last time but there was never a dull moment. We sat near a lady who passed out two times and the ambulance did not come for a very long time. So odd.

The next day my mom and I went to Picadilly Circus area and explored an outdoor market that I had always wanted to go to.

We also went to Fortnum & Mason, and we both fell in love with the store. We even had lunch at the parlor with a very tasty mint sundae for dessert.

That night, my final night in London, we went to Barnes to spend the night with my second family, the Lays. We ate dinner at the Red Lion, which was where my first London meal was when I arrived in January. It seemed only fitting that it be my last official meal in England.

The next day I said goodbye to London, which had been my home for five months and my mom and I got on a flight to Croatia for a week holiday!

Love London Always,
Johnni Z

Milano and the Duomo

We arrived in Milan in the late evening and checked into our hostel, called Hostel California…nothing like California that’s for sure.

While we were checking in we met some guy from America and went out for drinks with him and his friend. By the time we got back we were all so tired from travelling that we went right to sleep.

The next day was our main day to do everything in Milan…and we did just that. We began by going to a random shopping area and seeing all of the high-end stores.

Then we stumbled upon the Duomo and after lunch we attempted to go inside. After getting attacked by all of the men who wanted us to hold pigeons in the square we were rejected from the Duomo because my skirt was too short and Rebecca’s shorts were too short.

We decided to go to a giant park that was located next to a fortress of some sort. The park which was really pretty had an arc that resembled the arc de Triomphe.

Next we headed back to our hostel in order to change and become more acceptable to the church. We went back to the Duomo and went in-it was definitely worth the change of clothes.

The top of the Duomo, which we got to by walking up a ton of steps, was spectacular. The view was so pretty and gave an amazing and different perspective of the city, which at first was nothing too special. After seeing it from above it lived up to my "Italian cities are beautiful" mentality.

That night we went on a successful hunt to find this really tasty buffet for only seven Euros. We all got a pimms drink, which was huge and a ton of pasta and bread-so good.

The next morning we tried to go and see the Last Supper painting but the tours were all sold out so we grabbed our bags and went to the bus stop and to the airport.
We flew into London for the last time-the last time altogether and the last time we would be staying in London-it was so sad.
Milan was an interesting adventure but it felt good coming home to London….and the next day my mom came so London just got better!
Goodbye Italy,
Johnni Z

The Pope and I Go to Venice

On Saturday morning at 2:30am I left my flat and began the journey to the airport. I had just finished one of my final exams at 9am that Friday morning and had not slept since, so I was a little tired.
I took two buses to the airport and then waited for my flight to Venice where I was going to meet up with my roommates Rebecca and Taylor!!

Once I landed in Venice I took a bus to the bridge that you must cross to get on the Island, since there are no cars you have to walk the rest of the way…but the island is so small we walked everywhere.

We were staying in the Museum hostel, which was located right on the grand canal…so pretty.

The entire city was gorgeous and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw the first canal-so picturesque.

The first day we were all there together we did everything you can do in the city. We began by walking to Saint Marc’s square and going inside the basilica, which was so ornate and quite spectacular.

Then we went up the bell tower and got the most amazing view of Venice. I could see everything, the water, boats, churches and houses. It was a breathtaking view that I could have starred at all day.

We ate lunch and decided to take a gondola ride to really get the full Venice experience. Our gondolier was great he told us all about the city’s history and all the great buildings and canals. The entire place was perfect.

To top off a great day and make my trip we saw the Pope!! The Pope was visiting Venice and we saw him arrive on boat, talk to the crowd in Saint Marc’s square and bless us all. He then rode in a motorized carriage up and down the crowd and we saw him up close…it was one of the most amazing and best experiences of my life.

The next day we got up and had a really nice breakfast, a little more gelato, and went shopping. We then went to the train station and got on a train to Milan, although I could have stayed in Venice forever!

Pope Takes Over Venice,
Johnni Z

Finding the Olympic Stadium: A Game In Itself

Last week I continued my plan to see as much as possible before leaving London. I have seen a lot in London so there was not very much left to see, luckily because I did not have very much time left.
On Tuesday night we all went out one last time to O’Neil’s, one of the pubs that I really like. There was a cover band, the same one that had been there the last time we all went…which I was a big fan of.

The next day we all woke up pretty early and headed out on what was supposed to be a simple trip to see where the Olympic Games will be taking place next summer….supposed to be simple.

After getting off at the tube-the tube ride was in fact simple-we walked in a random direction hoping to find signs of some sort to help us find it. Of course there were no signs and we all began to wander aimlessly.
Finally we asked someone who gave us vague directions towards the stadium and we attempted to find it. The walk was much longer than expected and we were all exhausted.

We did in fact find the 2012 Summer Olympic Stadium and I am very pleased to say that we made it! It was really cool and made me want to come back next summer to see the games especially since I know exactly how to get there!
Olympic Game Hunt,
Johnni Z

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wedding Fit For A Prince!

Royal Wedding: April 29, 2011

Being in London for the Royal Wedding was one of the most amazing experiences I have had while being abroad.

My roommates and I woke up at 4:30 a.m. gathered our blankets, towels, tiaras and capes that had the English flag on them and headed towards the bus.

We got to Hyde Park where we watched the Royal Wedding and had a concert in the park. When we first got there the area was not full at all but by the time we left, we were fighting through crowds of people in order to get to an area that was empty and escape all the madness.

British flags were waving all day and there were people dressed in all kinds of British attire, people with face paint and some with William and Kate look alike costumes.

The weather was typical London cold and it was freezing most of the morning but as soon as Wills looked at Kate in Westminster Abbey the sun came out! It was such a beautiful moment and surreal.

My favorite part was when Prince Harry turned around to see that Kate had arrived and lit up as soon as he saw her and then told Wills showing full excitement.

Her dress was beautiful, every one's excitement, the standing ovation for the Queen when she stepped out of the car in her yellow outfit and the overall atmosphere was truly amazing and I am so happy I was able to be a part of it.

The rest of the day we waited a long time for a bus back to our flat, saw all of the crazy people walking in masses by Buckingham Palace and Green Park and then watched the recaps all night long, remembering how cool it was to see it all happen and enjoy with all the London locals.

I also loved the fashion, ridiculous hats and kiss on the balcony(twice)...a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget!!

Princess For a Day,
Johnni Z