Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunsets and Watermelon: Corfu

On Friday night we decided to come back into town to go out and see what the nightlife was like in Corfu. We missed the last bus into town, not due to lack of effort(sprinting up a large hill and running after the bus) and therefore had to take a taxi.

We started with a couple of drinks in the center of town and just enjoyed the warm weather. I had a strawberry margarita, which was really good and we all had watermelon shots...beacuse they are tropical and very good.

After drinks we ended up at Au Bar where there was live music and Master Tempo...a greek DJ was playing. We had a ton of fun listening to some Greek songs as well as the American music we love to dance to.

The next day was our last full day in Corfu so we went sight seeing. We started out by having some very tasty crepes(strawberry, banana and nutella).

Next we went to the Old Fortress and climbed to the very top in order to get an amazing and breathtaking view of the island.

We took alot of pictures as usual and soaked up the sun everywhere we went. It was such a cool lookout point and worth the strenuous walk to get there.

After the fortress we went down to the water and went swimming for a little while. The water was spectacular as usual and really nice to swim in.

The rest of the afternoon we spent shopping and walking around the island, seeing everything it had to offer.

We watched the sunset from a lookout point near our hotel and had dinner and desert at two places at the peak of Kanoni.

Corfu was so amazing and spending all that time with my best friends was priceless!!!

Summer Preview,

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